Monday, October 15, 2012


They call her beautiful.
The girl with the crooked smile and one dimple on her left cheek.
They say when she smiles, it's as if the sun rises higher in the sky.
They call her beautiful.
The girl with the crooked smile,the one dimple in her left cheek and the chipped black nail polish wearing on her fingers.
They say that when she smiles,
It's as if all is right in the world.
They call her beautiful.
The girl who smiles with her eyes,
And who hides the broken pieces of her heart in the glossed over creases of her lips.
The weight of her world cements her feet,
Dragging her slowly through her ,"I'm okay"s and "everything's alright."
They call her beautiful.
...And sometimes, just sometimes
I believe she is too.


  1. Three people believe your one hot mama

  2. if your secretly talking about yourself .....(its not a secret anymore).
